Welcome to the Healing America Summit

Partner Program

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This Congress can help EVERYBODY to wake up, realize, understand, see with new eyes and make BETTER DECISIONS for a BETTER FUTURE! Plenty of people suffer since they took the Covid-PCR-Tests and the Vaccination. 

Symptoms like migraine, aggression, depression, inner darkness, suicidal thoughts, nightmares, uncontrolled shaking, heart problems and much more is for many people “normal” since “the C-treatments”.

On the other side problems with Immigrants, totally observing everyone´s life with cameras, scan of finger & eyes, health, contact & bank data… Taxing your income while spending Billions for War in other country’s… Poisoning water & food…

If YOU SHARE this extraordinary HealingAmericaSummit, YOU can help change other people’s LIFES! Maybe even SAVE it!

My mission with this summit is to help you and plenty of other humans with knowledge about the “bad boys”,the necessary INSIGHTS and possible SOLUTIONS.

This can change OUR world. We are very happy, if YOU take this opportunity and even earn a fair 50% income for HELPING OUR brothers and sisters in the USA and around the world! God bless you.
Thank you.
Michael & Team


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1. You inform your contacts with your affiliate link about the free congress, via e-mail, on Facebook, via banner.

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This is how it works:

1. As soon as your lead clicks on your affiliate link and buys the package within 6 months, ThriveCart will automatically recognize it.

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As soon as the affiliate link is clicked, a cookie is stored inside the browser of the person. As soon as the person buys a summit package, ThriveCart recognizes through the plugin that the purchase was made by your recommendation.

Insider Tip: It is advisable to promote the congress more often, as the last-cookie principle applies. The last cookie that was saved in the browser during the contact receives the commission.

Sign Up now for the Affiliate Program

The Sign Up process takes about 2 minutes only

When is the best time to apply?

->You can start at any time. The best strategy is the following:

  • You inform your list about 3 weeks & one week before the congress April 25. to May 09.2024.
  • And right at the beginning of the summit, so that as many participants as possible can see the terrific interviews!
  • During the summit it makes sense to promote your affiliate link so you can animate your contacts to see the free interviews.

    For example, before an interview that is particularly interesting for your target group.

Tip: Most of the time, interest to buy is generated after the attendees have seen several interviews.

Note: Even if your contacts secure the package after the convention is over (within 6 months), you will still receive your commission.

Promote affiliate links on Facebook:

On Facebook, you can promote the congress through your affiliate link.

Tip: It is best to remove the automatic preview image that appears when you insert the link. Because if someone clicks on the image, the contact will automatically be redirected to the home page without your affiliate link being tracked.

I recommend you to shorten your advertising link with a URL shortener https://bitly.com (it only takes 5 seconds to shorten your link).

The steps

  1. Post your (preferably shortened) affiliate link with a short text on Facebook. Check out the templates below. Tip: Customize the templates for your target group.
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Sign Up now for the Affiliate Program

The Sign Up process takes about 2 minutes only

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There are 4 different text versions below.

In the DOWNLOAD area there 8 all together, also 4 NEW-SHORT once. 

Choose what you like.

Application advice:

  • Use www.HealingAmericaSummit.com (or use YOUR Affiliate Link, to share with your community!)
  • Please replace the [XYZ] at the beginning, in the middle XXXXX YOUR Name with your favorite salutation and [XXXXX] at the end of the text with your name

Hello [XYZ]

The time has finally come! 2024 is THE year, where TRUTH will be shown about plenty of topics around the world to all the people. It must be shown, that it is seen, that people realize what is really going on, so it can be stopped, changed, transformed, or something NEW created like Michael Jackson´s Song “Heal the world“.

The HealingAmericaSummit ist here, to “Heal America & the world“.

Summit date: JUNE 20 – 27, 2024

Join the summit 100% free / www.HealingAmericaSummit.com

The HealingAmericaSummit, with true science, real insider knowledge of the medical side, real law, army knowledge, astrology, natural medicine & energy healing, offers YOU possibilities to understand, learn, change and SUCCEED in this time!

USA & the WORLD got crazy like NEVER before and is experiencing a challenging time! Vaccines, Immigrants, Transhumanism, War, WHO, NWO, surveillance… Bible Prophecies of End-Time & 5D consciousness rising…

Your +35 Speaker are Leading Experts from around the WORLD: Medical doctors, scientists, lawyers, medical researchers, pharma insiders, historical & political experts, US-Army General, US-Sheriff, healers, coaches, fitness influencer and more.

  • Tom Renz: Lawyer for Covid & Election lies
  • Stefanie Bruns: A quantum healer and business coach empowering individuals to stand in their truth.
  • Ann Vandersteel: Expert in Globalism and world politics.
  • Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD: Expert on Mind control, Nanotech, MK-Ultra & Satanic rituals against YOU!
  • General Mike Flynn: A retired United States Army general and advisor to President Trump, providing insights into geopolitical affairs.
  • Dr. Leonard Coldwell: Instant Based Medicine – Cancer expert

They will show YOU the BAD & GOOD, the PROBLEM & SOLUTIONS to SUCCEED in this time!

  • HOW the „BAD BOYS & GIRLS“ harm YOU day & night, mentally, emotionally & physically
  • HOW Vaccines, Immigrants, Transhumanism, Recession, War, WHO, NWO… destroying our country, health, family and lives
  • Manipulation, corruption and AI-high-tech influence far beyond regular understanding seems to leave no exit
  • Bible Prophecies of End-Time & 5D consciousness rising…
  • DETOXIFICATION possibility of COVID-vaccination / PCR-testing / shedding on a MEDICAL WAY and on an ENERGY HEALING WAY
  • The plan of the DARK SIDE, and the higher plan of the „DEVINE“ & EVERYBODY SOUL
  • The „NEW NORMAL“ of the pharma lobby, big tech, NWO…
  • The „NEW NORMAL“, if YOU take responsibility for YOUR OWN BODY, MIND, SPIRIT and SOUL
  • SOLUTIONS, if YOU like to learn and RISE
  • You will learn the well-kept secrets about true self-empowerment, energetical healing and divine plan, to reach happiness and fulfillment.

We only have all those problems in the USA & worldwide, in each family, business, finance, health, body & mind, because we DON´T KNOW …

This Summit can help EVERYBODY to UNDERSTAND, wake up, realize and see with new eyes and take BETTER DECISIONS for a BETTER FUTURE!

2024 is the year of EXPOSURE! Let´s use it for OUR SUCCESS!

Join the summit 100% free / www.HealingAmericaSummit.com 

That the USA and its PEOPLE get great again!

That the whole WORLD and all its PEOPLE can benefit trough the HealingAmericaSummit!

Be part of the WAKING UP MOVEMENT for the USA & the whole WORLD!

Join the summit 100% free / www.HealingAmericaSummit.com 

Let´s do it TOGETHER! Let´s SHARE! Let´s CHANGE the world!

Thank you, Your [xxxxxx]


…or additionally with the following:

The Summit Host:

The HealingAmericaSummit hosted by Michael Koenig Breuss, Healer for almost 20 years with over thousand clients all over the globe. It will take you to the next level in understanding why BAD/GOOD comes to you and what YOU can do about it. You won’t experience that anywhere else.

This Speaker will assist you on your PATH to SUCCESS!

  • Clayton Thomas / Root Brands, researcher, scientist
  • Stephanie Bruns / Quantum healer, business coach
  • Joy Martina / psychic psychologist
  • Tom Renz / Lawyer
  • Jane Ruby / Medical Professional & Pharma Insider
  • Ann Vandersteel / Freedom First movement
  • Jane Hampton Cook / Author & US History expert
  • Catharina Roland / Filmmaker & visionary of paradise
  • Salomea Claus / Osteopath, Healer, conference presenter
  • Durga Holzhauser / Intuitive Healer, cleansing out Covid vaccination, author of 3 Jesus books
  • Sheriff Calvin H. Hayden / truth seeker & investigator for Covid & Election fraud irregularities
  • Christina Rahm / Expert in biohacking, DNA manipulation, cloning, transhumanism & SOLUTIONS / Root Brands
  • Judith Gwandtl / Coach & Astrology
  • Christoph Heuermann / Founder of Staatenlos – denationalize.me, investor, Freedom strategist
  • Zeffi Devi / Tantric Coach, intuitive Healer
  • Cornelia Victoria Harmes / Publisher, Speaker, Coach
  • James Roguski / WHO Expert and Exposing Mis-information
  • Lawana Haney / Figure Competitor & Anti Aging specialist
  • Storm Dillenschneider / Mrs Universe, Advocate against Fentanyl
  • Mel K / The „Mel K Show“ Show truth to awaken the people
  • Oliver Moos / Crypto expert
  • Galina Semyonova / Medical practitioner of eastern & western medicine
  • Christie Hutcherson / Women fighting for America
  • Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD: Expert on Mind control, Nanotech, MK-Ultra & Satanic rituals against YOU!
  • Mary Grander / Producer, Lady‘s of another view
  • Valeria Maria Tignini / Spiritual Healer, awakening of humanity
  • Alexander Krakolinig – The force in you / Spiritual teacher of selfmastery
  • Leonard Coldwell / Instant Based Medicine – Cancer expert
  • Eesha Patel / Galactic Embassador for Galactic federation
  • Alan Steinfeld / Host & Producer New Realities
  • Anja Schäfer / Ambassador of Venusian spirituality
  • Max Reeder / Veteran & Natural healing expert
  • Johann Nepomuk Maier / Spiritual filmmaker
  • General Mike Flynn / US Army General, Advisor of Trump
  • Myself, Michael König-Breuss / Soul language-Light language teacher and intuitive healer

May higher spirits, God, Universe leads all of us in a NEW harmonious way of living together with family, friends, nature like never before!

Let´s use the power of many, the power of the people, to get the LIFE, we as DIVINE SOULS DESERVE!

Join the summit 100% free / www.HealingAmericaSummit.com 

The sooner you register the sooner you will achieve not only exciting, but more importantly, transformative results.

Let´s do it TOGETHER! Let´s SHARE! Let´s CHANGE the world!

Thank you, Your [xxxxxxx]


HealingAmericaSummit – Text SHORT (Advertising text for email, newsletter, social media…)

Application advice:

  • Use HealingAmericaSummit.com (or use YOUR Affiliate Link, to share with your community!)
  • Please replace the [XYZ] at the beginning with your favorite salutation and [“xxxxxx] at the end of the text with your name

Hello [XYZ]

This HealingAmericaSummit can help EVERYBODY to wake up, realize, understand, see with new eyes and take BETTER DECISIONS for a BETTER FUTURE! Plenty of people suffer since the Covid time.

Symptoms like migraine, aggression, depression, inner darkness, suicidal thought, nightmares, uncontrolled shaking, heart problems and much more is for many people “normal” since “the C-treatments”.

On the other side problems with Immigrants, totally observing everyone´s life with scan of finger & eyes, health, contact & bank data… Taxing your income, spending Billions to War country‘s… Poisoning water & food…

If YOU SHARE this extraordinary HealingAmericaSummitYOU can help changing peoples LIFE! Maybe even SAVE it!

Join the summit 100% free / www.HealingAmericaSummit.com 

Date: JUNE 20 – 27, 2024

Your +35 Speakers are Leading Experts from around the WORLD: Medical doctors, scientists, lawyers, medical researchers, pharma insiders, historical & political experts, US-Army General, US-Sheriff, healers, coaches, fitness influencer and more.

  • XXXXX YOUR Name!
  • Tom Renz: Lawyer for Covid & Election lies
  • Mel K: The Mel K Show to show truth nobody likes to belive.
  • Jane Ruby:A medical professional and former pharmaceutical industry insider exposing the realities behind COVID-related operations.
  • General Mike Flynn:A retired United States Army general and advisor to President Trump, providing insights into geopolitical affairs.
  • Christina Rahm / Expert in biohacking, DNA manipulation, cloning, transhumanism & SOLUTIONS / Root Brands

They will show you how BAD it is BUT also the SOLUTIONS for all of us!

I will help you and other people, to get knowledge about the “bad boys”,the necessary INSIGHTS and possible SOLUTIONS.

This can change OUR world. We are very happy, if YOU take this opportunity and even earn a fair 50% income for HELPING OUR brothers and sisters in the USA and around the world! God bless you.
Let´s do it TOGETHER! Let´s SHARE! Let´s CHANGE the world!

Thank you, Your [xxxxxx]


HealingAmericaSummit – Text LONG_2 + Speaker

Healing America Summit

Date: 16.05.2024 – 22.05.2024


Healing America Summit: Navigating Troubled Waters with Insight and Solutions

In unprecedented times of global uncertainty and turmoil, the Healing America Summit emerges as a beacon of hope and empowerment. With themes ranging from vaccines and immigration to transhumanism and war, this online event aims to shed light on pressing issues while offering pathways to success in navigating through these challenging times.

Event Overview

Date: May 16th – 22nd, 2024

Participants: Over 30,000 individuals from around the globe

Speakers: A diverse lineup of over 30 experts including medical professionals, scientists, lawyers, researchers, insiders from the pharmaceutical industry, historical and political analysts, healers, coaches, and more.

Content: The summit features over 30 hours of videos packed with insights, solutions, and exclusive bonus material, all accessible online and free of charge.


Key Themes and Topics

The Healing America Summit addresses a wide array of topics crucial to understanding and navigating the current global landscape:

·The Dark Side vs. Divine Plan: Speakers delve into the dichotomy between nefarious agendas and higher spiritual plans, offering perspectives on the challenges humanity faces.

·Detoxification and Healing: Experts provide strategies for detoxifying from COVID-vaccinations, PCR testing, and shedding, both through medical means and energy healing techniques.

·The New Normal: Participants explore the agendas of pharmaceutical lobbies, big tech, and the New World Order, while also emphasizing personal responsibility for body, mind, spirit, and soul.

·Solutions and Empowerment: Through a holistic approach, speakers offer actionable solutions for individuals to reclaim their health, autonomy, and sovereignty in a rapidly changing world.

Speakers and Insights

The summit boasts an impressive roster of speakers from diverse backgrounds, each bringing unique perspectives and expertise to the table. From medical practitioners and scientists to spiritual healers and consciousness pioneers, the lineup includes:

  • XXXXX YOUR Name!

·Dr. Joy Martina: A psychic psychologist offering insights into intuition and inner guidance.

·Dr. Jane Ruby: A medical professional and former pharmaceutical industry insider exposing the realities behind COVID-related operations.

·General Mike Flynn: A retired United States Army general and advisor to President Trump, providing insights into geopolitical affairs.

·Dr. Christina Rahm / Expert in biohacking, DNA manipulation, cloning, transhumanism & SOLUTIONS / Root Brands

·Stefanie Bruns: A quantum healer and business coach empowering individuals to stand in their truth.

·Michael König-Breuss: The summit host, a spiritual healer, and teacher specializing in energy healing and soul-language.


Why Attend?

The Healing America Summit isn’t just an opportunity to gain knowledge; it’s a call to action. By attending, participants can:

·Gain clarity and understanding of complex global issues.

·Access practical solutions for personal and collective well-being.

·Connect with a community of like-minded individuals committed to positive change.

·Empower themselves to take control of their health, destiny, and future.


In a world fraught with uncertainty and challenges, the Healing America Summit offers a glimmer of hope and a roadmap to empowerment. With its lineup of esteemed speakers, diverse topics, and actionable insights, this online event promises to be a transformative experience for all who participate. Don’t miss this opportunity to join the movement towards a better future. Register now and be part of the change.

Complete speaker list

This Speaker will assist you on your PATH to SUCCESS!

·Clayton Thomas / Root Brands, researcher, scientist

·Stephanie Bruns / Quantum healer, business coach

·Dr. Joy Martina / psychic psychologist

·Tom Renz / Lawyer

·Dr. Jane Ruby / Medical Professional & Pharma Insider

·Ann Vandersteel / Freedom First movement

·Jane Hampton Cook / Author & US History expert

·Catharina Roland / Filmmaker & visionary of paradise

·Salomea Claus / Osteopath, Healer, conference presenter

·Durga Holzhauser / Intuitive Healer, cleansing out Covid vaccination, author of 3 Jesus books

·Sheriff Calvin H. Hayden / truth seeker & investigator for Covid & Election fraud irregularities

·Dr. Christina Rahm / Expert in biohacking, DNA manipulation, cloning, transhumanism & SOLUTIONS / Root Brands

·Judith Gwandtl / Coach & Astrology

·Christoph Heuermann / Founder of Staatenlos – denationalize.me, investor, Freedom strategist

·Zeffi Devi / Tantric Coach, intuitive Healer

·Cornelia Victoria Harmes / Publisher, Speaker, Coach

·James Roguski / WHO Expert and Exposing Mis-information

·Lawana Haney / Figure Competitor & Anti Aging specialist

·Storm Dillenschneider / Mrs Universe, Advocate against Fentanyl

·Mel K / The „Mel K Show“ Show truth to awaken the people

·Oliver Moos / Crypto expert

·Dr. Galina Semyonova / Medical practitioner of eastern & western medicine

·Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea / Owner AM Medical LLC & Light medicine expert

·Storm Dillenschneider / Mrs. Elite Universe 2024, stand Advocate against Fentanyl

·Mary Grander / Producer, Ladies of another view

·Eesha Patel /Galactic Embassador fort he Galactic federation

·Anja Schäfer / Ambassador of Venusian spirituality

·Valeria Marie Tignini / Healer, coach

·Johann Nepomuk Maier / Author, host, filmmaker

·Max Reeder / Veteran helping veterans choose healing ability over disability

·Alex Krakolinig / The-force-in-you, Spiritual healer, coach

·Dr. Leonard Coldwell / Doctor at Instant Based Medicine System

·General Mike Flynn / US Army general, Advisor of Trump

·Myself, Michael König-Breuss / Soul language-Light language teacher and intuitive healer

This Speaker will assist you on your PATH to SUCCESS!

We are here for you!

Do you have a question?

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